Tuesday 29 January 2013


  Hi everyone, hope you all enjoyed the Christmas and New Year holidays. ……Well I had to take a break to  write my exams but I am back, I have missed a lot and I know you all have  missed reading posts from me too.
For my first post I decided to be a bit personal, share something intimate from me to you.
We all have things we suck at doing, when it comes to fashion, yah I know I do! And you will be amazed to read them. I will just start with 5 things for now and as time goes on I will release the rest


1. I just can’t make decisions when it comes to choosing my hairstyle. YES I AM INDECISIVE when it comes to that. I keep on asking friends or looking into magazines and when it's time to have it on, I change my mind AGAIN! At the moment i have fixed a weave, but I'm keeping my natural hair, but due to the pain i am thinking of perming it at the same time , I'm thinking its actually cool to have the natural hair on!this shows how confused i am when it comes to choosing the right hairstyle  Dear readers I would need a little advice here.

2.Wearing short skirts: short skirts, short skirts, short skirts! When will I? That’s one question I keep asking my self. Well, I don’t wear short skirts beyond my room. It’s a bit weird but that’s the truth. I see girls in body con skirts and I wonder when I’ll have the courage to wear it to the mall or some party.i may try one of these days to wear 1 but i'm still not certain about the outcome .....fingers crossed , i will try to post a photo on the blog if i do .


3.Heels: hahaha, I know its funny but that’s the truth, I suck at wearing those eye catching  6-10 inches heels to anywhere! The problem may be I think too much about comfort and overlook the Ghanaian slogan “beauty is pain”. I’ll prefer flats to heels but I hope to work on it this year, I need some height at times, considering how short I am.


4.  Hoop earrings and bangles: for this I think its just too bad, I really suck at wearing those huge earrings and bangles and once again I blame it on “comfort”, I just do things to keep me in my comfort zone but sometimes steeping out of my comfort zone maybe the only way to explore!!!!

5. Finally, I don’t have the courage to put on red lipstick, I just put it on for photo shoots but not able to put it on to work or church or the mall. I think I need to work on that too.just watch out for the red lipstick Naa Adjeley.. lol

These are SOME UGLY TRUTHS about me i thought i should share!everyone has one or two or maybe 5...... Just comment or email me on naadjekonney@gmail.com and lets talk about it .


Jerome said...

Wow! Who would have guessed that such a fashion whiz would rate comfort so highly. I guess it comes with being a busy multi-tasking person. I don't know why you call your truths ugly. Ugly truths deserve ugly pictures but you've put those gorgeous shots by it lol

Ebenezer said...

Very interesting. Ryna should read this lol

Unknown said...

feels lyk me...hehehe