Saturday 2 February 2013

SUFFERING FROM CRUSTY LIPS???? read this ........

In this Harmattan and winter season it is essential we take care of our skin to ensure that it doesn't get dry or chapped. For today’s post I will be talking about crusty lips because it’s quite evident people are really suffering from that especially the guys.

Crusty lips can be prevented, all you need is to devote a little time to your lips. I will say, crusty lips is another form of your lips telling you “please take some time off to care for really not expensive to take care of your lips and it applies to everyone. I will just share with you some simple ways of taking care of the lips especially if you have started developing crusty lips.

*Drink a lot of water: it is very important that we drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, I was never good at that but I made it my New Year’s  resolution to drink at least 5 glasses of water a day and it’s working.  Drinking lots of water helps to prevent dehydration, keeps the skin moisturized and it’s also refreshing. It’s not so difficult to drink water after all so just try it.

*Apply lip scrub on your lips and use your fingers to scrub it. Lip scrubs are usually made up of coconut oil, honey and brown sugar, the presence of sugar in it give it a rough feeling which when applied on the lip and scrubbed by the help of the fingers will remove the crusty lip, and leave it feeling new and smooth.

*Another alternative is to use a toothbrush! Yes!, just dip it in water for some seconds, and GENTLY SCRUB your lips with it to remove the dead lip crust , you can do this every morning or evening till u see an improvement.

*After using the tooth brush, moderately apply Vaseline (petroleum jelly) or Shea butter on your lips before going to bed. This will keep it moisturized and prevent dryness should u wake up the next morning. Both products are known to have healing effects on our skin, therefore let us go back to using them.

*For the ladies always keep your lips glossy with the different brands of lip glosses available and please try to stay away from the dry lipstick for now, at least till the season of “dryness” is over.And  the guys, please get some lip balm, or use the lip gloss but don’t apply too much of it. You could also use Vaseline or Shea butter.

Let your lips be attractive this season, just have some spare time for them dear readers. You can try it and share your experience with me by leaving a comment and I will reply as soon as I can.

Xoxo Naa Adjeley

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